The Commpliance Group
Reliable outsourced telecom compliance that can grow and evolve with your company without creating undue risks and future exposure.
Path to FCC Compliance for $600/month
Telecom Compliance + Tax Engine Software License for $700/month
Quality Telecom Compliance You Can Afford
Our small provider solution combines the following critical compliance elements, all for $600 per month:
Telecom Compliance Management – Small Provider Solution
Affordable. Accurate. Flexible.
- Designed only for VoIP and Wireless companies in the United States with less than $25,000 per month in telecom revenue with a total product catalog limited to 10 distinct products and services.
SIDEBAR: (Companies with less than $120,000 per year in telecom revenue may wish to explore the Carrier of Record service delivery model.)
Investing in compliance when you’re small means your foundation is strong, the fees are modest, and your team is aligned with managing compliance for predictable budgeting.
Early adoption helps your team easily identify risk and either avoid or intelligently manage compliance obstacles as you grow.
Telecom Compliance Management – Small Provider Solution
For companies with VoIP/telecom revenue less than $300,000 per year.
- Expert product catalog optimization and mapping to tax engine
- Comprehensive FCC Compliance calculation
- Tax Engine and License Consultant
- State and Local Communication Tax and Fee compliance pursuant to compliance management strategy
- One-time set up fee: $1,500
- Monthly fee: $600 per month, 1-year minimum term
Why Choose The Commpliance Group?
Our experienced consultants provide training and filing assistance to ensure you are in compliance. Our affiliation with one of the leading telecom law firms positions us on the cutting edge of industry regulations so we can support our clients’ proactive risk management approach.
- For $750 per month and one-time onboarding fee if $1,500, you receive:
- Ceretax liscence (1 year term)
- FCC compliance reporting (499A, 499Q, 477, CPNI certification, CVAA ceritifcation)
- Compliance Risk Management Service (which will be used to monitor exposure in jurusdictions and base the timing of new jurisdiction registration and compliance remittances on the combination of Ceretax data (accumulated taxes and fees) and experimental knowledge of our tax consulting professionals)
If and when the accumulated taxes or fees exceed the risk tolerance threshold you establish, then pricing for services are as follows:
- $45 per state tax return
- $25 per local return
- $40 per month per state for utility commission compliance
- $150 per Secretary of State corporate registration
- $250 per Public Utility Commission registration
- $175 per Tax Registration
There are limited exceptions to the above standard pricing.